Friday 17 February 2012

The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom launches a new ministry in the City of London

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers…and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common…” Acts 2:42-44

His Grace Bishop Angaelos announced the launch of The St. Paul Ministry, a new initiative of the Church in the United Kingdom. Held in the beautiful and historic St. Mary-le-Bow church in London, monthly services will be offered in the English language while maintaining the traditional Coptic spirituality and hymnology. Services will be followed by a fellowship meal and a contemporary Bible study and discussion. The first service will be held on Sunday 4th March at 10am.

His Grace, who with a dynamic and dedicated steering group established the ministry, said:

“While this is a new and exciting ministry for the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, it follows an ethos that has been at its core for centuries; introducing people to our Lord Jesus Christ through the lived perspective of the Church in a real and relevant way. The words of Acts 2:42 have always been especially pertinent to me, and it is exciting to see them presented in a fresh 21st Century expression.”

Mission Statement
The St Paul Ministry is founded on a novel and fresh approach to fellowship, with the aim of encountering Christ through the life and practice of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Christian Church of Egypt. This Ministry aims to make the ancient apostolic Faith practical, reachable and tangible within a Western context. Our goal is to enable the enrichment of lives through the fellowship of the Church, the manifest Body of Christ.
Aims and Objectives
In line with Acts 2:42, the St Paul Ministry aims to achieve this by: 
  1.  Providing opportunities for greater knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures and teachings of the Fathers. 
  2.  Creating a safe and familiar space for interaction with like-minded people along their spiritual journey. 
  3. Making manifest the Faith and practice of the Church through its Sacraments.
  4. Having a time of focused collective prayer and worship.

First Service: Sunday 4th March at 10am in St. Mary-le-Bow church.

10am-11am    Eucharistic Liturgy
11am-12pm    Fellowship Brunch
12pm-1pm      Bible Study and Discussion

St. Paul Ministry

Wednesday 8 February 2012

The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK: Prayer Day for Egypt

Following the success of last year's day of prayer for Egypt with Egyptian Christians from all denominations, a similar day will be held this year on Saturday the 3rd of March at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK. This will be an all day event starting with Liturgy, brunch, and then meet in the hall to pray together. Everyone is invited to attend. Visit or e-mail