Grace and peace to you from our Lord.
Now that we have all had time to recover from EYC 2010 and reflect on and assess the successes and effects of the conference, I would like to take some time to thank you all for making it such a wonderful event and a blessed weekend of true Koinonia.
So many people served and worked so hard on the conference, both in the months leading up to it, and over the weekend itself, and what was very evident was that every person who was involved, served with and from the heart. Starting about 100 people at the initial meeting on the 1st of May, we were all aware that we had a short time to prepare something on a massive scale that had not been attempted before, but people came from across the United Kingdom to serve and join together. From this, the spirit of Koinonia became prominent and the theme for EYC 2010 was both found and realised. This was no longer ‘churches’ working, but the UK and RI Coptic Orthodox Church in unified action and establishing long-lasting fellowship.
The work immediately developed and grew into directed and focused fellowship, with themes and timetables drawn up, public relations, advertising and marketing, and the production of adverts and posters that got us all in the spirit and mood. All of this was underpinned with collective nightly prayer by everyone involved for the months that preceded.
So many people worked, and to mention you all personally would be near impossible, I would therefore like to thank all of you who served in the following teams:
• Accommodation team
• Administration team
• Catering and Hospitality team
• Cleaning team
• Contemporary Worship team
• IT and Tech team
• Logistics and Transportation team
• Media team
• Medical and First Aid team
• Merchandising and Marketing team
• Midnight Praises (Tasbeha) team
• Registration team
• Safety and Security team
• Topic team
• The Day-after-EYC-for-the-servants team
• The Rafat and Azmy Team
Beside all this, there was a lot of behind-the-scene work that was carried out be so many ‘unknown soldiers’ who were so self-sacrificing.
All-in-all, this was a wonderful occasion for fellowship and witness, and an opportunity for us all to experience oneness in God’s gracious love. You were all truly an example of selflessness and service, making me very, very proud. Once again, I thank you for your love and faithfulness, and pray that God blesses all we do for the glory of His holy name.
I look forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks, and leave you in the love and care of our gracious Lord.
+Anba Angaelos